
5 Ways To Make It Through A Sick Kid Workday

Life Happens

By Bobbei Ruswinckel - Myrtle Beach Macaroni Kid Mom Publisher March 7, 2019

When my kid is sick, I expect the world to stop so that all I am responsible for is snuggling and caring for my babies. That just isn't the case. This week, our households got hit hard! Pink eye, strep throat, stomach bug, fevers ... you get the picture. So, what do you do?! You mom up and make it work!

Here 5 tips to get through those days of working with your sick tot. 

1 - Set Realistic Goals for the Day 

Don't expect everything on your original agenda to stick. Prioritize! Figure out what you must get done first and go from there. If there are things that can wait till this illness passes, then make those changes now. Take anything off your schedule that isn't necessary for the day. 

2 - Accept the Help 

You hear it all the time, "I am so sorry! Is there anything I can do?" Yes, the answer is yes! You may not be comfortable having someone else watch your ill child and that is totally understandable! Find other ways your tribe of friends and family can help. Examples: Nanny can pick up sibling from school. Neighbor can let in plumbing appointment at the house. Office mate can grab you lunch on the way back to the office. Sister can pick up meds at pharmacy. Now is the time to let others pitch in and help so you can focus on your little and your tasks at hand. 

3 - Prepare for the Gross 

If you have to take your child with you to your office or on an errand, prepare for the gross things that come with illness. Bring wipes, changes of clothes for you and child, wipes, Ziploc bags, a towel, wipes, a "sick bucket", wipes, disinfectant spray and bottles of water. Don't forget the wipes. You never know when that tummy ache will turn really sour or that sniffle will leap into a full on mucus attack! Be prepared! 

4 - Comfort is Key 

Try to make your child as comfortable as possible if you can't be home. Take favorite toys, blankets, snacks and entertainment. Today, my kid was curled up in the floor of my office with a blanket, pillow, legos, water bottle, Garfield movie and gummies. Yes, he was fighting sniffles and a pink eye but he was comfy, cozy and happily resting! 

5 - Trust Your Mom Instincts 

You know your child and their limits. Take a breath. Trust yourself. Go to the doctor when you need to. Most importantly, stay home and don't spread germs when the illness is contagious. 

Now, go out there, wash your hands and those of your cute kid and seize the day one sniffle at a time!